Sunday, April 20, 2008

um, do i throw like a girl?

i've been told that i do, in 8th grade. it's one of my few memories from little league. my girly arm will be tested tonight as i practice with my team. yes, i've agreed to play for my church's softball team. i haven't thrown a ball, picked up a bat, fielded a ground ball, or shagged a pop fly in over a year (maybe closer to a year and a half). for you dedicated readers, you already know my obsession with sports. but i'm not a star at any. i can explain, commentate, give a history of my favorite players, but can i play any of these sports? i play hard (if i'm comfortable in the environment) and can make a few plays (if i've practiced enough to know i can perform the task at hand), but that may be all i will offer.
so i suppose time will tell if i let my awkward, clumsy demeanor take over or if the sportsaholic will prevail. and will i be able to say, "my name is sarah and i throw like a girl! what's it to ya??"


Scott said...

I'm intrigued by your question, but I'm going to need some form of video evidence to answer it :)

Knowing what I do about you though, I would guess that the phrase "throws like a girl" wouldn't have its traditional meaning with you, even though you are a girl;) I'm guessing at some point you were taught a proper throwing motion. Whether you can get anything on a throw is a secondary matter.

I remember the first year McBIC had a girl's softball team. The majority of those girls definitely "threw like girls", and it made for quality entertainment.

lisatatj said...

so how'd it go? Huh, how'd it go, huh,huh, huh???

I am not sure I am playing softball and will need to live vicariously through you how'd it go??? huh,huh huh?

Amanda said...

As the non-sporty girl of the fam, I can only say that I'm sure you throw WAY better than me!! :D

See you from the sidelines!

sarah said...

lisatatj, practice went well and i had a lot of fun. i was definitely rusty, but knocked most of my at bats (the ones i didn't completely biff) into left field. as for the throwing, well, needs improvement!

scott, i think my form is probably lacking and my distance has room for improvement. but overall, my arm isn't a complete disaster!

Scott said...

As long as your throwing motion is closer to the proper mechanics than it is to a shot put toss, you probably won't get a "throw like a girl" commentary from me.

Bethany said...

I think I want to play - is it too late?? With the proviso that I haven't played softball since 8th grade, either, and I wasn't all that fabulous then! :)