Friday, July 11, 2008

political idiosyncrasies

tim and i were listening to the radio on the way home from work today. a caller asked the question (i'm really paraphrasing here):
what's up with people who want to the government to have no say in anything and then complain the government isn't helping them out!?

i had to laugh!


Scott said...

I'm not sure, but I believe the term is "entitlement".

Amanda said...

Scott - LOL

mwh said...

Too funny, I agree. There tends to be all types of inconsistencies like this in people's political stances. Take, for instance, the people who argue vehemently against the teaching of 'atheism' (eg., evolution) in the public schools are the same people who want the Ten Commandments displayed everywhere--you can either have religion or you can't. We're all a paradox! :-)