Tuesday, January 15, 2008


hello blogger world! after much convincing by my sister, i now have a blog! we'll see how this goes. i'm not a very good writer, but i do like a good rant.


Amanda said...

Hello, Seester! Welcome to the blogosphere! You're a fine writer and I'm looking forward to your rants.


Scott said...

Ranting is a lost art.

Well, perhaps not lost, more like underappreciated.

Scott said...

Like for instance, it's about time I ranted about the fact that every stupid time I hit the submit button on your, or your sister's. blog, it stops me and tells me to type the stupid letters it randomly puts on the page.

I can't possibly be expected to remember that I have to do that BEFORE I post a comment each time.

Requiring word verification before commenting is anti-American somehow, I'm certain of it.


PS - See, I just ranted about word verification and I still forgot to do it the first time I tried to post this comment.

Amanda said...

Scott, I know, the word verification is mildly annoying. Tim and I instated it because we'd gotten a spam comment and wanted to avoid that in the future. :)

Brian G. Hedges said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Sarah! I've bookmarked you and will add you to my friends and family list when I get a chance.

We enjoyed having you over with Tim, Amanda, and Nathan last week - it was fun to get to know you a little better. (Just don't hold my math mistakes against me!! I was tired that night. Really!)