Saturday, October 11, 2008

which will cause revival?

in one of my original posts i said i had never voted before. as of the primary elections in the spring, that is no longer true. a number of reasons support my decision to be proactive this election year. i'm wondering what is yours? i've been involved in a number of political discussions and these are the factors i've heard so far... change, social justice, the war in iraq, abortion, and just plain following political lines. i have to admit neither canidate is particularly appealing to me. so what should be the issue i draw the line at? how do i make the "right" Christ-like decision? the executive director of LAM recently quoted a prominant Christian speaker (can't remember which one) that he would be prayfully considering the canidate that would cause revival in our nation. in the time of the past great awakenings, our nation was in a financial crisis. i'd like to think the canidate from my registered party is offering solutions to turn around the economic fall (this is not meant to be an open forum for our current economic condition... i am honestly not all that concerned... please refrain from excessive comments to that end :D) . but in light that LAM chapel comment, i've been trying to wrap my brain around the opposing political party taking office (for both economic and other policy reforms). i'm slightly concerned about his religious beliefs as well.
all these miscellaneous thoughts are running through my head without any decisive answers. please share any beliefs, comments, points of view, etc. you may have.

i do want to say that i know my God is bigger than any political candidate, office, or law. and in that i have comfort. however, i've been blessed to live a fairly "cushy" life thus far and know i not able to fatham true hardship (economic or otherwise). encouragement, scripture references, and prayer (for me, you, and the nation) are also welcome.

blessings friends!


Amanda said...

Good post, seester. :)

My first thought is that neither candidate will cause revival; only God can do that and He can do it in spite of who is in the oval office. :D

sarah said...

:D thanks seester (for the second thought)

Amanda said...

Hey, you wanna come over for dinner tonight? We're eating around 6:30. :D

Critter said...

You two are cute:)
Sarah it's nice to "hear" from you again. Hope the new place is great! Keep praying for our nation as Amanda said and you too our God is bigger than all of this!

mwh said...

Personally, I think this is the hardest election I've ever voted in. Like you, I feel a little disillusioned with both major party candidates. There have also been a number of personal factors that have made me less certain how to vote. I don't have an answer, but here are some places I've gotten some help thinking about these issues:

Ben Witherington has a Voter Guide.

Roger Olson has 10 Questions to Consider Before Voting.

Scot McKnight has a series about the election in general and one on each major party candidate.

Voting for President

Voting for President 2

Voting for President 3 (McCain)

Voting for President 4 (Obama)

Where is our hope?

As a separate comment, I would point out in regards to revival that revival often breaks out under evil government leadership. So by said Christian speaker's advice, you should vote for whoever you think would be the most sinful..... :-) ???

Anonymous said...

hi sarah,
please check out the links that I just posted on my blog. they've been helpful to me as i've wrestled with this election decision.
the article/email by huntley brown is very good! I think it may help you.
with love,