Sunday, May 4, 2008

name THAT movie

i'm constantly quoting my favorite movies. i started this wonderful little obsession in high school. some may say this is truly why i moved to indiana, because amanda is the only one who gets my one-liners. amanda told me bethany recently posted a movie quote meme. let me just say that i sucked at her quiz! some of these quotes i know by heart and others i used imdb to perfect the quotes and find some old faithfuls from classic favorites.

"good night and good luck" *this is your appetizer, it does not count **oh, amanda and tim, you must wait to answer until everyone has had a fair chance since i overuse some of these.

1. "there will be no living with her now."

2. "hey cow girls, see the grass. don't eat it."

3. "huh? what? i didn't do anything. i didn't... somebody's throwin' stuff. you gonna build a fire or what?"

4. "what's with today today?"

5. "are you .. fuzzy?"
"you shut your filthy mouth"

6. "wait a minute! wait. wait. i'm having a thought. oh yes. oh yes. i'm going to have a thought. it's coming. it's coming... it's gone. "

7. "oh jeez. you know what? i got gum on my seat, GUM! "

8. "dana is no here"
"yeah, we know that"
"then why are you came?"
"you mean you never even had a slinky?"
"we had part of a slinky. but i straightened it"
*same movie, both extremely obscure, but very hilarious!*

9. "this is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. this green field right here, painted red, bubblin' with the blood of young boys. smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. listen to their souls, men. i killed my brother with malice in my heart. hatred destroyed my family. you listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. if we don't come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were. i don't care if you like each other of not, but you will respect each other. and maybe... i don't know, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men."

10. "in case i forget to tell you later, i had a really good time tonight."


Bethany said...

Ok the only one I'm pretty sure about is #2 - A League of their Own, right?

lisatatj said...

I am not sure about ANY of those... I have a guess about #10 but only a guess and it seems to ...just a guess... Fifty first dates?

sarah said...

lisatatj: no, it's not 50 first dates. that's a very good guess though.

Brian G. Hedges said...

#9 Remember the Titans

Scott said...

#1 is Pirates of the Caribbean, the first.

I was also prepared to answer #9.

sarah said...

scott: i'm disappointed. i thought if anyone would get my random quotes, it would be you! :) perhaps i was way to random! sadly amanda knows 8 i think. we'll see if she can find the 9th in the wee back corner of her brain!

sarah said...


Amanda said...

I have a wee back corner of my brain?

I'll have to look for that! :P

When do I get to guess? :D

Scott said...

I apologize Sarah. I do remember all kinds of random stuff like that, but I've never been a serious movie watcher, and am even less so now.

I did actually know #2 as well. But googling a couple of the ones I didn't know, I found they were from movies I haven't even seen.

Tim said...

The wee back corner of your brain is where you store all the information that I need to remember but need you to remember it for me. :)

sarah said...

ok seester, you can post the ones you knew without googling (or having tim google, then give you hints!)

Amanda said...

Woohoo! Here goes (I know 7 of them):

2. A League of Their Own
3. The Emperor's New Groove
4. Empire Records
5. Shag the Movie The shag is a dance. I couldn't find a youtube clip of the movie, but here's one of the dance itself.
6. This one had been right on the tip of my tongue and I couldn't get it. Tim looked it up and kept reading me quotes until I got it. I never would have gotten this one!
7. Speed
8. Ghostbusters II
9. Remember the Titans

One thing left to say, well sing: "Hail Freedonia!" Name THAT movie! ;)

sarah said...


1. Pirates of the Carribian
scene: the british arrives after elizabeth burns all the rum to create a smoke signal, much to captain jack's chagrin.

2. A League of Their Own
scene: Dottie, Kit, and Marla arrive to tryouts. This is the scout's sarcastic remark to Dottie and Kit (who grew up on a farm)

3. The Emperor's New Groove
scene: Kuzko throws a rock at Pacha's head and then tries to blame it on someone else (they are the only two characters in the scene)

4. Empire Records
scene: the entire movie takes place over about 12 hours, everything is in disaray!

5. Shag
scene: Harley had been lied to earlier in the movie when the girls try to cover up another lie. He mistakenly thinks the maid's name is Fuzzy.

6. Dick Tracy
scene: Big Boy Caprice is leading a meeting for his thugs when he interupts his previous train of thought with this one.

7. Speed
scene: Annie is annoyed with the ramblings of a tourist in her home town. She takes gum out of her mouth and pretends it was on her seat as an excuse to find another.

8. Ghostbusters II
scene 1: Peter doesn't like Janosz, so Peter purposely barges into the museum to annoy Janosz when Dana isn't working
scene 2: The team is poking around Oscar's room after Dana encounters pink ooze in her apartment. I particularly like this quote because I was laughing at the dorkiness of Egon (the one who straightened the slinky) when my mom replies "you straightened your slinky too!"

9. Remember the Titans
comment: This is my favorite movie of all time. Nough said!

10. Pretty Woman
scene: Edward is taking Vivian out, a surprise trip to the opera. She says this to Edward on the elevator ride down from the penthouse. And, yes, I have used this line before because I tend to forget to be greatful for other people's gestures, big or small.

amanda - your quote is classic marcs brother, duck soup to be exact!

everyone else... thanks for playing!

Scott said...

Score. I knew 3 of the 4 that were from movies I've seen, or at least seen in the last 15 years...

Amanda said...

I don't remember you straightening a slinky....
